A mind, once expanded…

I’m back home again after my epic-ly amazing dog-sitting stint in the lovely Kenwood area.  Tonight is the first night sleeping in my own bed in 2.5 weeks.  There are several things I love about shaking up the routing periodically either just a little, like dog-sitting in someone else’s house in another area of the city, or busting loose completely, i.e. moving cross-country to attend a commercial-diving programs (yes, that really happened.):

  1. Your routine is immediately broken up.  You’re in a new place, surrounded by different people (or pets), totally different energy, completely different surroundings.  You simply can’t do things in the same way.
  2. You’re not surrounded by your own stuff.  This I find very liberating.  I have A LOT of projects I want to do, A LOT of books to read someday.  What ends up happening is that I am constantly overwhelmed by the possibility, so I end up doing none of the things on the list.  When you’re somewhere new, you only have the stuff you’ve brought with you, so you are better able to focus on what’s before you, what you intend to work on.
  3. It’s easy to reinvent yourself, even if only a little.  This may sound a little silly, but I think we all need, from time to time, to just sort of pretend a little, to try on new hats.  And this is always easier when you’re not surrounded by people who’ve known you since you were three, with whom you feel obligated to act out that particular role.  I’m not saying it has to be anything drastic, what I mean is more that we often change and grow, but don’t realize because it can be a challenge to allow those changes into a relationship or lifestyle that might be rather static.
  4. You gain insight to and clearer perspective on your life.  Being removed from the ordinary, it’s just easier to see what you do, and don’t like about where you are.

So, I’ve gained some insight, and have a better idea of where I want to be heading.  Now it’s about keeping up the momentum, and not dropping back to the same patterns.

I’m curious to know, how do you keep your momentum going when you’ve made good changes?  Is it will power, or intention that keeps you moving forward?  Do you find truth in the Oliver Wendall quote, “The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size”?


2 thoughts on “A mind, once expanded…

  1. Great post….I just got back from 4 days in New Orleans and feel like I’ve been gone for a week or more. I love getting away and out: different food, music, light, noises, people. It is so great and so important to shake things up!

    I live near NYC and it’s easy to forget that not everyone wears black and walks really fast and wants you to die NOW so they can have your man/job/apartment.

    I bring home photos from each trip and often make one my screensaver so every day I have a lovely visual reminder of what re-booted my brain…and will do it again.

    • Hello! Sounds like a lovely getaway- where were you in Nola, and what fun things did you do? I was based out of there for a few years, loved the city! It does have SUCH a different vibe, totally different culture. What kind of writing work do you do? I’m in the process of moving away from full-time employment to do my own writing/proofreading/editing work, would love to hear about your experiences and any suggestions!

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